Therefore, the incomplete contract theory makes direct analysis on agent problem and reaches the essence of the question from the angel of corporate control, and thus, it is a useful tool in analyzing the issue of corporate governance of state holding enterprises. 因此,不完全合同理论从企业所有权的角度研究代理问题便直接触及到问题的本质,是我们研究公司代理问题,特别是国有控股公司治理问题的有力工具。
In view of enlightenment thinkers and natural law theorists, the social contract became the premise of deduction of civil society theory, civil society is generally understood as political society after human enter out of the state of nature. 在近代启蒙思想家与自然法学家那里,社会契约成为市民社会理论推演的前提,市民社会一般被理解为人类走出自然状态之后进入的政治社会。
It is Hobbes who first developed modern social contract theory completely, and he use the social contract theory to demonstrate the origin, character, and form of the state, this establishes the base of the modern theory of social contract. 正是霍布斯第一次全面系统地完成了对社会契约论的构建,用社会契约论全面系统地阐述了国家的起源、性质和形式,奠定了近代社会契约论的根基。
Under the influence of social contract theory, the publicity, generosity, and the spirit of compromise and independence of modern citizen became better in the interaction among citizen, state, and religion, which laid the third theoretical basis. 受契约论的影响,在公民、国家和宗教的互动中,公民的公共精神、宽容与妥协精神以及独立精神逐渐丰富完善,因此启蒙思想就成了现代公民精神的第三个理论基础。